Examined from Deutscher

Astrologenverband / DAV

Member of the Astrological Society of Denmark /


Welcome to the Astrolife. Here you can find information about astrology and book an appointment  for the drawing up of a horoscope or you can call or write me to get more information before you decide whether or not to have your horoscope drawn up.

You will also find a link to the alternative form of treatment called "Cranio-Sacral-Theraphy" which is a gentle and precise form of therapy which by way of light pressures and touches causes the body to relax and thus help relieving headaches, tensions in the neck caused by a car accident and many other ailments making everyday life dificult.

I am looking forwarding to welcoming you  here to the Astrolife webpage relating to astrology and Pluslife relating to Cranio-Sacral-Therapy.

Hjemmeside fra e-hjemmeside.dk